Saturday, August 28, 2004

Reflections - A National Day Special

This was from an excerpt I wrote during Singapore's National Day, which was posted on friendster on 9th Aug 2004.

Truth sometimes hurts. And it will, for many of us when we’ve heard what is about to be told. It may hit a nerve, but it is intended to serve as a war-cry for continued improvements and preserving the way of life we’ve come to take for granted.

We need no reminders to remember what Singapore has achieved. Our fathers and grandfathers had toiled much to bring forth the luxuries we are so accustomed to, each day. And Singapore did it without digging for oil and gold from under its soil. We did it with the brains and brawn of our people.

The world is a fluid one with constant change. For us to remain competitive, we must change with the times, or perish like dinosaurs. It was found that what works for us in the past may not garner the same results in the future. The successes of our government in inspiring us, albeit using interventionist and paternalistic policies in crafting our culture – will eventually reach a nadir.

Nation in Celebration  Posted by Hello

Most of us have seen the movie “I not stupid”. It is but a true rendition of what’s happening to us now. Our materialistic orientation may have gone too far in directing us towards economic and social-status objectives. This dire need for better quantifiable results – both in school and workplace, has somewhat made us myopic and less aware on the true objectives of knowledge acquisition or even our purpose in life.

A study conducted recently shows the cracks in our seemingly staunch workforce. We have found that the Hong Kong people were leaner and keener than ourselves. Singaporeans do not appear to be psychologically geared to be as independent minded and resilient. It was no surprise that Singaporeans are seen as government-dependant compared to our Hong Kong counterparts who accept responsibilities for their lives and livelihood.

Singaporeans have also picked up some pusillanimous traits – many are afraid of standing out and becoming an entrepreneur. The public sector had skimmed off talent with its high salaries, prestige and job security. The truth is hard to swallow – the Singaporean workforce lacks creativity and entrepreneurship capabilities to exploit global environments. Of course, we may have Sim Wong Hoo – the world class entrepreneur of leading sound-card maker, Creative Technology. But this is a far cry compared to Taiwan, that has, despite shortcomings including inefficient infrastructure and rampant corruption - has proven a much more effective incubator for entrepreneurs whose bright new ideas form essential ingredients for economic growth.

Unlike Singapore – that has attracted more than 5000 MNCs here, with about half having their regional headquarters here, Taiwan builds MNCs themselves. Very few Singaporean companies take risks through succeeding or failing on their own merits. Without them, Singapore will have to continue to rely on MNCs – whose profits flow to foreign head offices. Singaporeans comprises the world’s most computer literate people and we have all the right infrastructure including a fibre-optic backbone linked to every home through telephone lines and Cable-TV connections. All these luxuries are in place – but how are we utilizing it?

More fireworks Posted by Hello

Our government understands this and realizes that all the things that made Singapore so successful today will make it unsuccessful in the future. It’s time to go to the mattresses. We have to change our mindset on a lot of things. We have to start asking questions. We have to challenge the norms. We have to learn to take calculated risks. We cannot rest on our laurels – we have to keep moving, improving and building a successful nation. Our fathers have done their parts – it is now up to us. As 9th August approaches, let us reflect on how we can make it count; how we can do our part and make our children and children’s children have a better future in this prosperous little isle, we call home.

Our home Posted by Hello

Have a wonderful 39th Birthday, Singapore ! :D


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